Things to Consider in Environmentally Friendly Landscaping

Your property’s overall appearance can be largely affected by the level of upkeep and landscaping that you keep up with. But beyond lawn care and a well-kept yard, there are sustainable landscape design aspects to think about as well.

Here’s how you can begin to include environmentally friendly landscaping practices into your own plans!

1. Use materials that are good to the environment

Many materials, especially pesticides and herbicides, can lead to bad consequences for the environment. Instead, with eco-friendly landscaping practices, you can learn to use alternatives to pesticides like trap plants, handpicking, and barriers and traps to ward off pests that could ruin your crop of eco-friendly plants.

2. More natural and locally sourced plants that can help the environment

The use of native plants in your garden will significantly increase the environmentally friendly landscaping efforts that you integrate into your own property. Native species are often considered the most eco-friendly plants possible since they require the least amount of effort to adapt to a strange environment. In this way, these eco-friendly plants and native species also typically use much fewer resources, since they are naturally accustomed to the amount of precipitation, heat and frost that is typical of the area.

By using these native species, your garden will not only thrive, but you will encourage healthy plant growth without the need for excessive chemicals, nurturing and resources. In addition, plants and trees are innately good for the environment since plants absorb carbon dioxide and expel oxygen, contributing to the purification of the earth’s atmosphere.

3. Planting more trees than removed

As many publications in recent years have claimed, trees have the power to help combat excess amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that is otherwise causing severe and irreversible damage to the earth’s natural order.

Even though some trees truly do need to be cut down, for safety and home care reasons, it’s important to consider the need for trees in the world’s natural landscape. This is why you should consider planting more trees than you’ve taken down when you’re faced with the decision to remove a tree. By planting more trees than you’re removing, you can allow trees to absorb and use up a large share of carbon dioxide emissions while expelling more oxygen into the atmosphere, something that we could never have too much of.

4. Make a Compost Bin

A compost bin can be a great addition to the layout of your new landscaping plan. While it may seem daunting at first, a compost bin is a simple solution to making the most of your natural waste and, in turn, reaping the rewards next year in a healthy garden!

Environmentally-friendly landscaping often includes the use of composting organic material in some form or another, to ensure sustainable waste disposal while making such significant changes to your sustainable landscape design.

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