Flowers to Plant in Autumn for a Spring Bloom

Fall leaves

Most residential gardeners are accustomed to doing most of their planting in the springtime because, well, that’s just what you do.

But fall is perfectly fine for adding new plants in your garden too.

In fact, planting in autumn has unique benefits which just can’t be found during spring planting:

  • Cool air temperatures are easier for plants and gardeners to tolerate
  • Ground soil is still warm enough to allow roots to grow fully until the ground freezes
  • More predictable weather in fall (e.g. less rain) than in spring
  • Less pest and disease issues to worry about in the fall

So if you want to keep working in the garden this fall – and enjoy the results of your efforts next spring – then take a look at these fall favorites.

Grape hyacinthSpring bulbs

Yes, plant bulbs in the fall for a springtime bloom.

This is because all spring-blooming bulbs require a period of cold dormancy in order to fully and properly bloom.

If you find that your garden or landscape design is visited by flower-munching critters like deer, your best bet is to plant bulbs they don’t like eating:

  • Daffodils
  • Crown imperials
  • Grape hyacinths
  • English bluebell
  • Siberian squill


Autumn is ideal for planting pansies because the still-warm soil lets their roots fully establish themselves into the ground.

With fall planting, you can get up to two seasons worth of enjoyment.

BroccoliFall vegetables

Most vegetables fare well in cool weather, and can be harvested quickly (even before the fall season comes to an end).

Some popular fall vegetables which you can plant for a late-year harvest may include favourites like:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Carrots
  • Cabbage
  • Lettuce
  • Spinach

Fall-harvested crops should be planted in early August (right now, essentially), allowing them enough time to mature.

Fall planting tips

To get the most from your fall planting efforts, follow these handy and helpful tips:

  • Dig a hole the right size: Make sure the hole is as deep as the plant’s root ball and about three times as wide.
  • Fill in with soil: Add a 7-to-10 centimetre layer of mulch or compost on top to help the soil stay warm as the temperature drops over time.
  • Water as necessary: Until the ground freezes over, your objective is to keep the soil moist, but not soggy, until growing season comes to an end.

Whether you’re adding some last minute touches to your fall garden – or if you’re planning a complete overhaul of your outdoor living space, we want to help.

Download our our backyard design checklist and start planning the backyard of your dreams! 

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