5 Quick Tips to Thicken Your Lawn

Homeowners everywhere dream of a beautiful green, thick, well-manicured lawn. And all this dreaming’s not for nothing. A beautiful yard is a relatively easy and inexpensive way to increase the value of your home and add that much needed “curb appeal.” A thick and beautiful lawn is also a sign that the soil on your property is healthy, is designed for proper drainage, and is free of pests. 

If you want to give your lawn a little facelift (and make all your neighbours jealous), we’ve got five helpful tips to help you keep your grass beautiful and healthy.

Getting started creating a beautiful lawn

As the old saying goes, “the first step in solving a problem is admitting there is one.” Luckily, yard problems are usually pretty easy to identify. A visual inspection is often a good indicator that your lawn needs some help. 

If your lawn lacks the thickness, vibrancy, and consistent colour it should have, several problems could be the cause. Some of these problems are simple fixes, while some may need more attention and care.

What are some common lawn problems or mistakes?

  • There is too much shade (or sun) for your lawn
  • The wrong type of grass seed was planted
  • You’ve got bare or dry patches caused by grass pests or fungi
  • Drainage and soil issues 

What to do when you’ve got too much shade or sun for your lawn?

When it comes to growing a thick lawn, it’s crucial to strike the right balance of sunshine and heat. Too much sun can cause your grass to burn and dry out, while too much shade can deprive the grass of the nutrients it needs to grow. 

Follow these three tips if you’ve got too much sun in your yard

  1. Water at cooler times of the day, like early morning or evening, when the sun isn’t shining as strong
  2. Don’t cut your grass too short. Slightly longer grass blades help protect the underlying soil from drying out
  3. Use the right type of fertilizers and lawn care treatments, specialized for heat & sun

Follow these three tips if you’ve got too much shade in your yard

  1. Prune trees and bushes creating excess shade and blocking out the sunshine
  2. Overseed your shady lawn with a grass type that is more tolerant for shade
  3. Don’t cut your grass too short. Bigger grass blades provide more surface area for the grass to absorb the sun

What to do when the wrong type of grass seed was used?

Like any other plant, certain types of grass will do better in different soils & climates. Most Canadian grass seed is a blend of perennial ryegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass and fescues varieties. These blends are great for the full spectrum of seasons most Canadians enjoy. If your grass just isn’t growing the way you expect it to, you could have the wrong type of grass seed planted. Make sure you know what’s in the seeds you’re buying, or check with your lawn care professional to make sure you know what’s in the bag.

What to do when you’ve got dry patches caused by pests or fungi?

Unfortunately, this one is a little more complicated. Dozens of pests and fungi can affect the health of your lawn, and will likely need a professional to help you uncover the cause of these problems. Once you’ve identified the specific issues affecting your yard, you can take the right steps to eliminate or mitigate these pests and fungi.

What to do when you’ve got drainage and soil issues?

Drainage issues are generally pretty easy to spot. They include things like soggy yards, puddles that just won’t go away, or patches of grass that are growing thicker and faster than surrounding areas. If you’ve got drainage issues, there are some things you can do to address them, including having a yard that is built and designed correctly.

What are some general things you can do to improve the health of your grass?

1. Remove any weeds, dead plants, & other debris

Before beginning any lawn re-growth maintenance work, you need to make sure your area is clear of all weeds, dead or dying plants, and other debris that would get in the way.

When removing weeds by hand, make sure you pull out the entire root of the plant, or it will just grow back and spread. Using a weeding tool can help you get down to the robust and sturdy weed roots. 

When removing weeds with a weed killer, make sure you carefully follow the instructions to prevent damage to any other plants.

2. Give your grass the mowing it deserves

Mowing the lawn might not be your idea of a good time, but regular mowing maintenance can help to keep your grass healthy. Make sure the mower blades are sharp to avoid tearing the grass. Tearing the grass can cause it to dry out easier, and makes it more susceptible to disease.

Make sure you rake and clean up grass clippings to make sure that decaying grass doesn’t choke healthy grass and lead to a chemical imbalance.

3. Aerate your lawn

One of the biggest reasons that lawns become patchy, dry, and less vibrant is because the soil is compacted. Our first secret to getting a thicker lawn is a process called core aeration, which involves creating holes in the soil.


Poking holes into the soil will help water, air, and nutrients get down deep into the soil to improve root development, giving you a thicker, healthier lawn.

4. Overseed, overseed, overseed

If you’ve never heard of overseeding, today is your lucky day. Overseeding is our second big secret to getting a thicker lawn. Overseeding you lawn can help by:

  • Filling in bare spots
  • Improving turf density
  • Enhancing lawn colour
  • Helps grass withstand insects, disease, drought, and heavy traffic

If you have questions about lawn care? Check out or residential lawn care services and request a quote. 

5. Give your yard some good old fashioned TLC

After you’ve completed all these steps, it’s time for some TLC.

Just because you’ve laid your seeds, that doesn’t mean you can forget about your lawn.

Water your lawn daily until the seed is established and germinates.

If it’s still hot out, we recommend watering later in the day once the sun has gone down so the grass has a chance to absorb the water.

Ready to transform your lawn? Get a free quote to find the right lawn care package for your yard.

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When you start to think about designing the perfect yard, deck, patio or backyard oasis, it can be helpful to have some solid ideas of what you want to achieve. We can help with that.

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